
By Abagail Eaton

Although both need to be maintained in order to have a healthy body, keeping the internal organs clean is more important as it can affect how the external aspects appear and work as well.

Detoxification programs such as the lemon detox diet make it easier to help the body cleanse itself of the toxins that have accumulated over the years. Also referred to as the Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet, this lemonade detox program is effective in purging the toxins as well as controlling cravings with unhealthy foods.

There are numerous sources for toxins from the environment we live in, the food we eat to what our body naturally does on a day to day basis.

Although the body has its own way of ridding itself of the toxins, there are times when the toxins far exceed what the natural processes can remove. Detoxification diets have become popular as a way to help the body out in eliminating the toxins within. The Master Cleanse is sometimes known by a variety of names including the Lemonade. These all refer to same liquid diet consisting of lemon juice mixed with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Although lasting for at least 10 days in some cases, this temporary detox program is stringent in what can and cannot be consumed. It is essentially a fast with a strict set of instructions.

Natural maple syrup is also added to make up for some of the nutrients the body needs while going through this fast. The last ingredient is cayenne pepper, which also helps in the removal of toxins.

Although the ingredients are simple to acquire and available in almost all grocery stores the diet is not easy to follow. On the contrary, it requires a lot of willpower to last through several days without any solid foods or other liquids besides water, lemon juice and laxatives. The diet is strict, even going as far specifying the type of syrup. It is similar to being a fast rather than a diet.

The first few days of going without food and other liquids is the most difficult phase in this diet. It forces the individual to continue with normal activities and distract oneself from consuming anything else during the period.

It deprives the body of a number of nutrients. Some specialists do not see it as being healthy in the long run. Although it does help in eliminating the toxins from the body, this rigorous detox program does little to promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The body becomes weaker, making it unable to perform any strenuous physical activity or exercise. Individuals are advised to read lemonade diet reviews and to consult a licensed physician prior to following the program in order to make sure that it is safe for them and will provide the results they expect.

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